Polittical Science
Vitthalrao Shinde Arts College, Tembhurni was established in 2000 with a specific objective to enable students to face the challenges of the competitive world and bring higher educational opportunities within the reach of the underprivileged section of society. As per the stated mission, it empowers socially, economically and educationally marginalized sections of the rural society of the region. The college offers one UG Program and also has a Ph.D. Research Centre in Marathi. The college offers some certificate courses and maximum teaching staff of the college pursued Ph.D. degree.
Enriching Language, Literature, Culture and Translation Studies
Date-22/10/2021 & Time- 4.00 PM (IST)
Papers will be published in UGC Care Listed Journal (Print)
Paper Submission last date: 20/10/2021
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Vitthalrao Shinde Arts College,Tembhurni